The quality of the Masterbloc stacking block is demonstrated by different certificates awarded by highly-regarded quality institutes and inspection authorities both locally and abroad.
KOMO acts as an independent control body investigating and guaranteeing the quality of building products and processes.
The Masterbloc is the only stacking block on the market with a valid KOMO product certificate. KOMO has certified not only the stacking block, but also an entire wall made of Masterbloc stacking blocks.
The DIBt (German Institute for Building technology) is the only institute issuing certificates which authorise innovative and unregulated technical products and construction methods. The institute checks whether products comply with the building decrees in different German regions.
Masterbloc has received the DIBt “Zulassung” (approval) (number Z-17.1.-1146) for both its individual blocks and a wall consisting of Masterbloc elements. In addition to this “Zulassung” the Masterbloc system is also approved as a fire wall.
Kiwa is an independent certification organisation based in Belgium and the Netherlands focused on guaranteeing the quality of products and processes.
Masterbloc has received a certificate from the Dutch ministries of Traffic and Water Management and VROM (number K23375/01) declaring that the Masterbloc system complies with the Building Materials decree.
WTCB stands for “Wetenschappelijk and Technisch Centrum voor het Bouwbedrijf” (Scientific and Technical Centre for the Building Industry). This is a Belgian private research institution whose main task is to carry out scientific and technical research within the Belgian building industry. It also provides technical support and advice to encourage innovation in the building industry. WTCB’s services also include technical inspections, standardisations and certifications.
CE stands for Conformité Européenne (European Conformity) and refers to compliance with European law. In practical terms CE is not a European label, but an indication that the product in question satisfies all relevant European regulations and complies with the appropriate guidelines that have been established by the European Union.
Masterbloc has received a compliance certificate (number 0620-CPR-90475/04) from Kiwa, as an independent approval department, for the production process of this product. Masterbloc has also received a certificate from Kiwa (number 0620-CPD-41438) for the compliance of our production process.
CE 2+ label was created to encompass the national labels Benor (Belgium) and KOMO (the Netherlands). This is because the need for quality extends beyond national borders. In a nutshell, CE2+ is the improved internal quality guarantee at European level.
BENOR is a well-known and recognised Belgian quality label providing certainty that the building products supplied have undergone a thorough internal quality control, under the supervision of an independent, external certification organisation.